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Principal and director Prof. Catharine Lumby interviewed about Catharine Lumby Associates
Our principal Professor Catharine Lumby discusses the creation of Catharine Lumby Associates, why she feels passionately about workplace culture; and whether it’s okay or not okay to comment on someone’s appearance.
Watch the full interview here.
Changing Workplace Culture – Sydney University
Professor Catharine Lumby speaks with Professor Tim Soutphommasane on workplace cultures, focussing on the current sexual assault allegations within parliament and in schools. Professor Lumby explains how building empathy skills from a young age and learning how to be an ethical bystander are good places to start.
ABC – podcast Linda Mottram interviews Catharine Lumby
Linda Mottram interviews Catharine Lumby, focussing on Catharine’s past work with the NRL, and how her methodology could assist with the issues coming to light in Parliament.
“To see what conviction to act looks like on might not instinctively go to the sport of rugby league. But, the NRL has acted to deal with toxic sexual culture and with measurable success.”
Saturday 27th March
Listen to podcast at 19:03 here.
Government at risk of missing an opportunity with key sexual harassment changes: Sex Discrimination Commissioner
“There might be health and safety laws, but they’re not working because we know that the rates of sexual harassment and even sexual assault in the workplace are outrageous,” she said.
“If that sort of thing is being watered down, then I think it is outrageous and that very clearly, our politicians still have not got what women marched about.”
Professor Lumby for Sydney Morning Herald on the Prime Minister’s response to Kate Jenkins Respect@Work report.
Changing Workplace Culture – Sydney University
Professor Catharine Lumby speaks with Professor Tim Soutphommasane on workplace cultures, focussing on the current sexual assault allegations within parliament and in schools. Professor Lumby explains how building empathy skills from a young age and learning how to be an ethical bystander are good places to start.
ABC – podcast Linda Mottram interviews Catharine Lumby
Linda Mottram interviews Catharine Lumby, focussing on Catharine’s past work with the NRL, and how her methodology could assist with the issues coming to light in Parliament.
“To see what conviction to act looks like on might not instinctively go to the sport of rugby league. But, the NRL has acted to deal with toxic sexual culture and with measurable success.”
Saturday 27th March
Listen to podcast at 19:03 here.
ABC – Consent app proposed by NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller to address growing rate of sexual assaults
“They certainly wouldn’t say, ‘I’m thinking of having sex with you now, would you like to sign up to this app and say yes?””
She said the sexual assault crisis would only be solved if human communication was the focus.
“The answer isn’t letting technology solv[e] our problems.”
March 18th 2021
Read full article here.
Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins to lead review into Parliament House workplace culture
“Too often we have inquiries and they are not followed up with evidence-based education programs that genuinely engage people and give them reasons to buy in and really understand the problem.
March 5th 2021
Read full article here
Catharine Lumby on Sexual Assault Allegations in Parliament
Catharine Lumby on sexual assault and Scott Morrison’s response to sexual allegations in parliament.
Three changes for Morrison to fix a broken system
“You know, the evidence is in. The way that you change cultures is you find out what’s wrong, and you write a report, for sure. And then you implement education programs. And those programs have got to be evidence-based, ethics-based. They are not tick-the-box.”
February 27th 2021
Read full article here.
#MeToo Special- Q&A
Q&A – #MeToo Special – Catharine Lumby features in an ABC panel show exploring the impact of the #MeToo and how to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.
Is Australia Sexist?
Is Australia Sexist? – An SBS documentary exploring the state of gender equality in Australia. Catharine Lumby conducted research for the documentary and feat
GOMA Talks Toxic Masculinity
ABC’s Big Ideas radio program on whether ‘toxic’ masculinity is a problem. Catharine Lumby appears on the panel arguing that it’s an unhelpful term.
Catharine Lumby at IQ2 Masculinity
Is Masculinity Fragile – IQ2 Debate organised by The Ethics Centre at Sydney’s Town Hall.